The Gentleman's Guidebook
In the world of business, traveling isn't just about getting from point A to point B; it's about arriving in style, ready to make an impression. As part of our commitment to helping modern men navigate the intricacies of style and function, we've compiled a series of invaluable tips for the businessman on the go.
The Chicago Collective is the premier national menswear show in North America that hosts brands from around the world. We have been exhibiting at the Chicago Collective every February and August since 2020, and we are proud to have been one of over 400 exhibitors last month!
In the realm of business, the smallest details often shape perceptions. The art of accessorizing is a powerful tool for the modern businessman: whether it's a boardroom presentation or a networking event, the details of your ensemble can leave a lasting impression. We’ll go over a few key details about how to accessorize with impact.